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Summer Day Camp

Are you getting excited for summer? We sure are! Great things are coming our way with this year’s summer day camp. Registration for camp will open on Monday, March 17. If you’re interested in camp, please read on for some important information and reminders!

Summer Day Camp Guide

Our day camp guide should arrive in mailboxes the week of March 3. Preview the online version here.

ePACT Emergency Form

All SEASPAR participants are required to complete an Emergency Form in ePACT, our HIPAA-compliant emergency information software, and reconfirm it each year. If you’ve already completed or reconfirmed it this year, thank you! If not, we will need that done before we can accept your day camp registration.

If you’re not sure if you’ve completed the Emergency Form requirement, please email or call us at 630.960.7600.

Communication with Teachers

In order to provide the smoothest transition between your child’s school and camp experiences, we will reach out to your child’s teacher, if you give us permission to do so. This is done in the ePACT form. Please double-check that you’ve entered the teacher’s contact information and checked the box to give us permission to reach out to them.


Summer day camp registration will open on Monday, March 17, at 9:00am and will be first-come, first-served. Online and in-person registration will be available.

All participants will be automatically waitlisted and added in order as space is available. We will reach out within a week of registration with an update.

Please note that if you have a returning camper, this registration process is different from prior years and there is no longer a lottery for summer day camp.

(If you submit your registration before March 17 at 9:00am, it will be entered after noon on March 17 in the order it was received.)

Registration does not guarantee enrollment.


If you have any questions about the summer day camp programming, please contact Program Manager Stephanie Stocks at or 630.960.7665.

Any questions about registration can be directed to or 630.960.7600.

We’re excited for another great summer with Camp SEASPAR!