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SEASPAR Spotlight: September

This month, we’re celebrating Blaine Sharenow, one of the SEASPAR participants who walks the talk! As our September SEASPAR Spotlight, Blaine stands out for his enthusiasm, kindness, and talent, which makes him a valuable member of our community.

Blaine is an avid sports enthusiast who participates in team sports, including flag football, basketball, volleyball, and softball. His skills and dedication to these sports are truly remarkable. As a pitcher for the Spartans softball Blue Team, Blaine is known for his consistency and focus, playing a crucial role in the team’s success. His athletic talents extend beyond softball—Blaine also excels in flag football, where he helped lead his team to victory at the state level last year by catching passes and scoring multiple touchdowns.

But Blaine’s impact extends far beyond his athletic abilities. He is a “people person” who loves making new friends and engaging with everyone he meets. His polite nature and positive attitude make him a joy to be around. Whether it’s at summer camp or team sports, Blaine is always ready to greet others with a smile and dive into challenging activities with enthusiasm. His willingness to try new things and have fun with his fellow participants is truly inspiring.

Blaine’s fun-loving personality is highlighted by his sense of humor. Last Halloween, he delighted everyone by dressing up as Coach Matt Gorecki—a gesture that showcased his playful spirit and brought laughter to our team.

Blaine’s independence and dedication to his passions are equally impressive. He drives himself to and from his programs, demonstrating commitment. His presence at our programs brings joy to everyone and seeing him in action reminds us why we do what we do.

We couldn’t be happier to spotlight Blaine this month. He truly embodies the essence of SEASPAR, and we are proud to have him as part of our community. Congratulations, Blaine—you are awesome!