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SEASPAR Spotlight: October

We are thrilled to shine the SEASPAR Spotlight on Connor Brennan for October! Connor is the kind of friend who lights up any room with his cheerful spirit and willingness to try new things. Whether it’s a new activity or game, Connor is always one of the first to jump in with enthusiasm that is contagious.

Connor’s dedication to his sports is remarkable—he never misses a game unless he’s away on a trip! Whether it’s basketball, flag football, or developmental golf, Connor’s positive attitude and friendly personality make him a joy to be around. He always greets us with kind words like, “I missed you,” or “I’m happy to be here,” showing his comfort and enthusiasm for SEASPAR’s programs and friendships.

Connor’s family are active supporters of SEASPAR, always thankful for the staff and programs, making them a valued part of our community. It’s a joy to have them in our corner.

At the EAGLES Adult Day Program, Connor’s talents don’t stop with sports—he loves to sing, dance, and entertain. As an avid Disney movie fan, Connor loves Monsters, Inc., and you’ll often hear him discussing his favorite characters. His fun-loving personality and kind heart make him an outstanding friend who gets along with everyone.

Connor’s smile and positive energy brighten every gathering. Thank you, Connor, for being a shining example of dedication and positivity! Connor is leaving our area, so join us in wishing him all the best in his future endeavors. Connor, you will be missed!