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SEASPAR Spotlight: June

It is with joy and excitement that we present SEASPAR June’s Spotlight, Boelyn Fields! Boelyn has been a vibrant and inspiring presence in our SEASPAR community, engaging in a variety of programs that highlight her incredible spirit and positive attitude.

Boelyn’s positive attitude has profoundly impacted the SEASPAR community. Her vibrant energy and inspiring presence uplift those around her, creating friendships and fostering a welcoming environment. Through her active participation in various programs, Boelyn has not only showcased her incredible spirit but also served as a beacon of motivation for others to embrace their own abilities and pursue their passions.

Boelyn has been an active participant in SEASPAR’s youth programs for many years, bringing enthusiasm and joy to every event she attends. Her involvement in programs like Saturday Superstars, summer day camp, and numerous special youth events has been outstanding. She has a particular fondness for the sensory room, where she loves lounging in the bean bag and enjoying music with her friends.

Since joining SEASPAR, Boelyn’s radiant smile and infectious giggles have brightened every room she enters. Her positive interactions with both participants and staff have made her a beloved member of the SEASPAR family. Boelyn’s ability to bring people together is truly remarkable. She has an innate talent for creating an atmosphere of joy and camaraderie, making everyone feel included and valued.

One of the most heartwarming examples of Boelyn’s impact is her friendship with another youth participant who typically enjoys spending her free time alone coloring. This beautiful friendship has brought joy to both girls but also touched many lives. Their bond and selflessness inspire everyone who witnesses it.

Boelyn’s presence in our programs is a source of immense joy and pride for all of us at SEASPAR. She embodies the spirit of our community with her positive attitude, enthusiasm, and ability to foster meaningful connections. We are incredibly fortunate to have watched Boelyn grow and flourish in our programs. That’s one of the multiple reasons she was awarded the 2024 Rising Star Award at the Believe & Achieve Banquet this year. Congratulations, Boelyn! Your light and positivity inspire us all.