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Sips for SEASPAR

We invite you to “Sips for SEASPAR,” a one-day fundraising event at Miskatonic Brewing Company!

Come out on Monday, September 16, from 3-10pm to enjoy tasty brews while supporting SEASPAR’s mission to provide exceptional recreational opportunities for individuals with disabilities. Miskatonic Brewing Company is the perfect spot for a fun-filled day with friends, family, and even your furry companions—kids and leashed pets are welcome!

Important details:

  • Miskatonic is a card-only venue, so please bring your credit or debit card—no cash accepted.

  • While Miskatonic doesn’t serve food, feel free to bring your own or order delivery from your favorite local restaurant.

  • Parking is available in lots north of the building or along Wilmette Avenue.

Mark your calendar, invite your friends, and join us for a day of community, craft beer, and supporting a fantastic cause! We can’t wait to see you there!

Event Details

What: Sips for SEASPAR Fundraising Event

When: Monday, September 16, between 3-10pm

Where: Miskatonic Brewing Company, 1000 N. Frontage Rd., Unit C, Darien