Looking for a kind and caring friend? Meet Rey Neris, a SEASPAR Brookfield EAGLES Adult Day Program participant who is always eager to lend a helping hand. He has a wonderful sense of humor and is kind and thoughtful toward others. Rey’s enthusiasm and sense of fun make everyone laugh.
Rey is very social and communicates using ASL to connect with others and find out the latest “Eagle Scoop”! Ray enjoys entertaining a room with his dramatic gestures and enjoyment of life. He is very patient and a great teacher, helping everyone develop their ASL skills.
Rey likes to be in the “know” and connect with others, expressing his friendship with attentiveness and special care. He is always looking out for others and makes sure everyone stays together and is okay during outings. Ray has a natural knack for realizing if someone is upset and is quick to console a friend who is feeling unwell or unhappy.
Rey is always quick to help with any task—he is eager to volunteer. He is very perceptive and attentive to others’ feelings by reading facial expressions and providing emotional support. Full of energy and enthusiasm, he also likes art and writes sweet notes to his friends.
Ray loves to dance and is at his happiest when everyone is having fun during social happenings. He likes basketball and has a big shoe collection. He takes great pride in his work at Tischler Finer Foods in Brookfield, where he is well-liked by his employers and patrons.
We thank Rey for sharing his enthusiasm, kindness, and caring with SEASPAR and the world! We are grateful for him and for what he brings to our organization. Rey’s energy and big personality make the EAGLES Program at SEASPAR a happier place to be.