Recently, our dedicated staff embarked on a mission to engage the local community by attending a series of fall outreach events. Here's a recap of the effort and how a simple addition – a spinning wheel – became a key player in the outreach strategy.
Don't miss out on SEASPAR's last Movie in the Park of the year, featuring Ratatouille on October 7 in Indian Head Park!
Our all-new Strike & Share for SEASPAR fundraising event will debut on Sunday, September 17!
Participants in SEASPAR’s Music Lessons, Glee Club, and the new Musical Theatre program for kids had a great summer that culminated with awesome performances!
In the heart of a community that thrives on shared experiences and boundless enthusiasm, one individual stands out as a true embodiment of the spirit that defines SEASPAR – please meet Liam Heraty.
Thrills, Laughter, and Bonds: A Weeklong Retreat at Timber Pointe
This month’s Spotlight features our late friend Randy Naberhaus, a shining light in the SEASPAR community. Celebrate his incredible life with us.
Embrace autumn with SEASPAR! Registration is now open for fun fall activities.
Update: Movie in the Park on August 5 has been canceled due to weather. Watch for another one in the fall!
If you haven’t had the pleasure of meeting Ron Kamper, allow us to introduce you in this month's SEASPAR Spotlight!