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EAGLES is a community-based program that incorporates therapeutic recreation to help adults with developmental disabilities Enhance Adult Growth through Lifestyle Education and Service.

The EAGLES Adult Day Program emphasizes leisure independence, community outings, and social interaction with peers. Each day includes a physical fitness component, guidance in making healthy choices, a recreational activity, and lunch.

Who Is Eligible?

The EAGLES Adult Day Program is designed for adults ages 18 to 50 years of age with developmental disabilities who reside in any of the twelve communities SEASPAR serves.

Residents served by the following community agencies are eligible to participate in EAGLES:

Village of Brookfield

Clarendon Hills Park District

Darien Park District

Downers Grove Park District

Village of Indian Head Park

Park District of La Grange

Community Park District of La Grange Park

Lemont Park District

Lisle Park District

Village of Western Springs

Westmont Park District

Village of Willowbrook

Woodridge Park District

The EAGLES Adult Day Program delivers highly engaging activities which are best suited for individuals who will benefit from real-world experiences and development. EAGLES is designed for individuals who can perform on a 1:6 ratio. SEASPAR reserves the right to re-assess individuals throughout the year as needed to run EAGLES effectively and efficiently.

Program Benefits

The EAGLES program provides a wide variety of activities for participants to achieve the following goals through recreation and leisure activities: 

  • Foster and improve independent living skills.
  • Improve communication and socialization.
  • Improve physical and mental health through community-based recreation.
  • Increase self-esteem by participating in community service projects.
  • Learn about community resources.

Unique like you

EAGLES site directors strive to deliver engaging activities each day. Weekly themes and thoughtful lesson plans ensure no two weeks are ever the same.

EAGLES is a place where I get to go and I get to act like myself. I don't have to pretend to be like anyone else.


SEASPAR Participant

Where Will You Grow?

The EAGLES Adult Day Program offers four unique sites throughout SEASPAR’s service area.

Brookfield EAGLES

Brookfield Municipal Building
8820 Brookfield Avenue


Darien Sportsplex
451 Plainfield Road


Canal Center
55 Stephen Street


Lisle Recreation Center
1925 Ohio Street – Door #8

All EAGLES sites offer a computer lab, full kitchen, and smartboard, and are wheelchair accessible. They also provide access to indoor and outdoor swimming and fitness centers, plus additional site-specific amenities.

Program Details

The EAGLES Adult Day Program is offered Monday-Friday, and participants can register for Monday/Wednesday/Friday OR Tuesday/Thursday schedules.

The program runs daily from 9:00 am-3:00 pm.

Before and After Program

The EAGLES program also offers a Before program and an After program at EAGLES sites for an additional fee.

These programs are designed to be unstructured time for participants to read, play games quietly, listen to music, and participate in other self-led activities. Staff are present for the duration of the programs. 

Before Program: Drop-off between 8:15–9:00 am

After Program: Pick-up between 3:00–3:45 pm

Please contact us if you are interested in learning more about the EAGLES Before/After programs. There is a minimum of three registrations required to run each of the Before/After programs.

Pricing and Fees

Download the EAGLES 2025 Registration Options Leaflet to learn more about participant expectations, fees, and holiday dates.

Download the EAGLES Brochure to learn more about SEASPAR's EAGLES Adult Day Program. 


If you are interested in pursuing the EAGLES program for your participant, please complete the EAGLES Interest Form, and a team member will follow up with you.


For more information about the EAGLES program, please contact us online or call us at 630.960.7600.


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