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Culver’s Dine to Donate

Support SEASPAR’s Kiwanis Aktion Club at the Give Local Culver’s Fundraiser!

We invite you to join us on Thursday, October 10, at Culver’s in Downers Grove for a special fundraising event benefiting the SEASPAR Kiwanis Aktion Club! This outstanding group of individuals with disabilities performs community service projects and raises funds for important causes. Whether you’re craving lunch, dinner, or dessert, your participation will make a difference.

Simply mention the event when placing your order, and 20% of the sales will be donated to support the Aktion Club. This is an awesome opportunity to enjoy a delicious meal while giving back to an organization that makes an impact in our community!

Event Details:

When: Thursday, October 10
Where: Culver’s, 2500 Ogden Ave, Downers Grove
How to participate: Mention SEASPAR or Aktion Club at checkout, and 20% of your purchase will be donated!

Spread the word, and we hope to see you there! Thank you for supporting the SEASPAR Kiwanis Aktion Club.

Download the flyer here.Clicking this link will open a PDF document.

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